Since we are trying to get pregnant naturally (without IUI) but of course still assisted ovulation, the deed part is getting too stressful. You have to perform on specific days which in your mind is critical. Pre-Seed helps with the deed session, make it more wet but still sperm-friendly. And with the Clomid making us dry, there was a concern of using lubricant.
Not all lubricant are the same. Pre-seed is the only one that will not harm sperms. It was my husband who found out about it. I called Sandoval Distributors Inc., sister company of Hyphens Pharma Philippines Inc, the sole distributor for Pre-Seed here in Philippines. SDI is located in 2nd Floor A.B. Sandoval, Pasig. One box which contains 6 individually wrapped lubricants costs
For the location/map of SDI, click here.
I got my period yesterday so today is my Day 2. I'm scheduled for a checkup today but I'm not sure if I would change my doctor. My husband said we should try normal session again for this month but with Pre-Seed. If it doesn't work, then we'll go for IUI next April.