Monday, June 6, 2011

Cycle 5 Day 15: Ovulation Date Unknown

had my follicle monitoring today and we missed the big o. it says with corpus luteum on the left. so goodbye iui. will try again next cycle. the good news is that its probable that i ovulated day 14. still normal without meds! im only taking fertility blend.

next cycle we have to make sure that we will be able to time it correctly. but for now, we hope to get pregnant this month even if we didn't have iui.

baby dust to all of us!


  1. Hi. Would you happen to have extra preseed that you will not be using yet? I called hyphens and sandoval but they're out of stock at the moment.

    If you have an extra, may I buy it first? or I can just order online and replace it. I need it kasi sana by Friday. di na aabot pag bili ako online.

  2. hi, i already opened my second box of pre-seed and have used one applicator. did sandoval mention when they would have new stocks?

  3. Thank you very much
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