to all who have followed my journey thru getting pregnant, good news. i've finally delivered a 7lbs 6oz baby girl last october 19.
we were very eager to meet our precious firstborn eversince i reached my 37th week. by that time, i could deliver the baby in full term. unfortunately, we had to wait a bit longer. i was constantly feeling my baby's movements since the bpp result showed a cord coil. non-stress test were also requested to which the baby responded ok (thank God!).
on the 40th week, my ob said that external os is 1-2cm opened but the internal os is still closed - in short, my cervix is closed. i don't have any regular contractions either. walking was first advised by my doctor. it didn't work. i drank pineapple 3x a day... still nada.
everyone was getting anxious. my mom was even fearful that i might lose the baby like she did. her firstborn did not make it because she was overdue. i got scared... i'd go crazy if ever i lose my baby at this point. we finally decided to get induced.
around 1pm last oct 18, we checked in at st lukes global city labor room to be admitted. we were lucky that there's only a few patients in labor that we were given the high-risk pregnancy unit. here, you can stay with your hubby while in labor. the room had a la-z boy and flat screen tv. not bad.
anyway, i was given shots of buscopan and gel-like capsules to soften my cervix. by 1am the next day, my cervix is dilated 2cm and was advised to walk within the premises. after 2hours of walking, my ob checked again and was surprised that my cervix was floating again (high) and still 2cm. i was given oxytocin to get contractions. the contractions will help open up my cervix and push the baby out.
at 4pm, i was 5cm (wohoo). my water bag ruptured and my ob said she expect a faster progress. within 2-3 hours i should be able to push the baby out otherwise its CS for me. the contractions were regular (every 2 mins) .... and very painful. i opted for an epidural as im not sure i can take the next level of pain. at 6pm, they checked again... still at 5cm. my ob suspected it had something to do with the cord coil. by 8pm, im still at 5cm so it was indeed a CS procedure. i dont care as long as my baby is ok.
i was prepped for CS in the delivery room. before the baby came out, my ob asked my hubby inside the DR to cut the cord. he saw the guts, gore, blood and all. before i knew it, i heard her cry. it was the best sound i heard in my life. only her head was out and she's already crying. there was indeed a cord coil. hubby cut her cord and the nurses cleaned her. the pedia said she's fine and she put my baby on my chest to latch.
best day ever! the wait is over and we finally meet my little princess.
Wow! Congratulations! I let my husband read the part of your labor in high risk pregnancy. He got excited about the la-z boy with the flat screen tv! Haha! Anyways! Enjoy motherhood! Hoping I'd be in the same position not too soon! God speed!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. I've been reading your blog and this is an inspiration and we hope that we will have our little angels soon :) God bless!
ReplyDeletecongratulations!!! welcome to motherhood! i'm so happy for you! :)