Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cycle 6 Day 1: Mixed Emotions

AF still hasn't come. my bbt yesterday was 98.40 and now its 98.44. i did take a PT yesterday which turn out to be BFN. i woke up and threw up a couple of times. that's when i decided to stay in bed the whole day. i slept with a bad migraine. i don't know what's happening. normally, i would have had my AF yesterday. if not, at least i was expecting my bbt to come down to around 97.5 or something. so im delayed but the PT result crushed my hope of being pregnant. in any case, i would rule morning sickness since i'm experiencing the same symptoms a day before i get my period.

P said that this baby version is so "pa-asa". haha, i couldn't agree more. so im thinking maybe my thermometer is broken. in any case, i will be taking my temp again tomorrow hopeful that it will still be at 98.4x or even higher. if by friday, my bbt is still up, then maybe this is it! then again, maybe i should buy new batteries for my thermometer. its exciting and frustrating at the same time.

i spoke too soon. just got my period... sigh! so i guess my thermometer is indeed broken.


  1. i'm so sorry to hear about that =( hope you get your wish soon! my period has been wacky ever since i had d&c. we're not yet trying but hopefully soon! take care!

  2. When things go wrong, don't go blue. Just pray and say I will get through. Always remember God Loves You!--Deborah http://infertilityphilippines.blogspot.com
