i decided to take another blood work to determine if my prolactin improved. so yesterday morning, i went to center of reproductive medicine in ortigas and had my fsh, tsh and prolactin tests. the prep they gave me was that i wake up and wait for 2 hours before my blood is extracted. i woke at around past 6 and just 9am i was already at the office.
since all the tests were done yesterday, i was hoping i could write the results that day. but then, i was informed that they ran out of the things they need to do my tsf and fsh and that the tests will be performed today.
remember last cycle, i took lh (4.15 mIU/mL), estradiol (36 pg/mL), progesterone (0.40 ng/mL), fsh (10.44 mIU/mL), and prolactin (56.30 ng/mL). i failed the two later tests. my fsh result is slightly elevated (normal max for follicular phase is 10.2) while my prolactin is way too high (normal is 29.2) that its seems that im in the pregnant phase. so i've been prescribe with bromocriptine since last month. also, i'm taking 3 capsules of fertility blend since april as well. and here's the end result.
my fsh and prolactin are both in normal range at 7.2 and 9.61 respectively. parlodel (the bromocriptine brand im using definitely worked). im not sure if fertility blend also made a difference since my fsh also improved! tsh is also normal 1.550 (normal range is 0.27-4.2uIU/mL). yay! now im definitely positive and more hopeful that i was during my previous cycle. after seeing the results, p decided he would take another SA on monday to check if the "soldiers" improved as well. he's taking vit e with selenium and 1000mg vit C everyday and then he switch to fertility blend for men. we'll see. but for now, im sooo happy. fsh...passed! tsh...passed! prolactin...passed! polyps...gone!
i also decided to take follicle monitoring package rather than relying on the ovulation test kit. i've decided to start FM on day 12 and work my way up. my aim is to have my hcg shot just before the size reaches 3cm. by day 18, i should have ovulated already. will write my updates here.
baby dust to us all!!!
definitely not barren... just reproductively challenged. this is our journey into conceiving our first-born and (hopefully soon) parenthood.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Cycle 4 Day 2: A New Beginning
hear ye! hear ye! its the start a new day. well, technically... it started yesterday. P mentioned its the first time he saw me happy that i finally got my period. probably would be the last time as well.
and so, the start of a new cycle. just taking the bromocriptine (am using parlodel brand) while we are both taking the fertility blend. for this cycle, we'll skip the clomid and the puregon. but im going to have follicle monitoring. i just need to know if i can ovulate without drugs. if i dont ovulate this month, then by next month, we will be gunning for iui. with polyps out of my system, i'm feeling positive.
baby dust to us all!!!
and so, the start of a new cycle. just taking the bromocriptine (am using parlodel brand) while we are both taking the fertility blend. for this cycle, we'll skip the clomid and the puregon. but im going to have follicle monitoring. i just need to know if i can ovulate without drugs. if i dont ovulate this month, then by next month, we will be gunning for iui. with polyps out of my system, i'm feeling positive.
baby dust to us all!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Cycle 3 Day 29: No AF yet
im surprised to say this but... i've been waiting soooo long for my AF to come. its crazy how during previous cycle, i pray that it wont come. now im going to welcome it with open arms. why? because the sooner i have it, the sooner we can try making babies again.
after the hysteroscopy, both my doctors advised me that i might be delayed for a few days. its rare for me to have more than 30 days in a cycle even with clomid. i took my bbt this morning and it confirm what my doctors said. today, my temp is pegged at 97.73. usually, my temp will lower to 97.5x then the next day, it'll be 97.2x. and tadaa, AF has arrived. so it wont come today or tomorrow. probably on thursday.
btw, how long is an acceptable AF delay after hysteroscopy or even D&C? i don't know if a week delay should be a cause of alarm. do tell!
after the hysteroscopy, both my doctors advised me that i might be delayed for a few days. its rare for me to have more than 30 days in a cycle even with clomid. i took my bbt this morning and it confirm what my doctors said. today, my temp is pegged at 97.73. usually, my temp will lower to 97.5x then the next day, it'll be 97.2x. and tadaa, AF has arrived. so it wont come today or tomorrow. probably on thursday.
btw, how long is an acceptable AF delay after hysteroscopy or even D&C? i don't know if a week delay should be a cause of alarm. do tell!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Cycle 3 day 21: Getting use to the meds
i'm getinng use to the parlodel every night so i might try to star taking half a tablet starting tomorrow. hopefully the side effects will be tolerable. i've overcome headaches and nasal congestions. now, the only issue is sleeping. im not sure if its the parlodel or what. i do try to sleep in the afternoon since im still on medical leave. the upcoming long weekend also helps a lot. no long distance travels for now. not that my doctor says so, rather its a personal choice.
P and i started taking fertility blend. P intakes is 3x day like me. he complains the herbal aftertaste thats even worse when he burps. hahaha. gladto say, i dont experience the same. we both complain, however, about the size of each capsules. they're huge! definitely not the type you can pop in your mouth without a glassfull of water. our aim with the fertility blend is for me to have a balanced hormones while for P, improved liquefication and morphology. i'd still needs to ask my ob if cough syrup will be able to help. i've read some posts that it were advised to some men to improve liquefication.
lets see if it'll work for us in two months. baby dust to all of us!
P and i started taking fertility blend. P intakes is 3x day like me. he complains the herbal aftertaste thats even worse when he burps. hahaha. gladto say, i dont experience the same. we both complain, however, about the size of each capsules. they're huge! definitely not the type you can pop in your mouth without a glassfull of water. our aim with the fertility blend is for me to have a balanced hormones while for P, improved liquefication and morphology. i'd still needs to ask my ob if cough syrup will be able to help. i've read some posts that it were advised to some men to improve liquefication.
lets see if it'll work for us in two months. baby dust to all of us!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Cycle 3 day 19
so im here at the medical city to have me creatine and mri test. it was advised by dra v. after my followup with regards my hysteroscopy procedure. the tests were advised to check if i have pitituary adenoma. the results will confirm if i need to continue with my bromicriptine.
dra v suggested (yet again) that P meet with a urologist. im sure he will decline again. dra also mentioned that iui might be helpful. based on P's sa, also he got a lot of sperms... liquefaction needs assistance. getting it washed will be of advantage. yeah, maybe will have iui next month.
with regards fertility blend, she said i can take it since its just supplements. so i will be taking them starting today. best part is we can have contact after another week. just perfect for the next cycle.
dra v suggested (yet again) that P meet with a urologist. im sure he will decline again. dra also mentioned that iui might be helpful. based on P's sa, also he got a lot of sperms... liquefaction needs assistance. getting it washed will be of advantage. yeah, maybe will have iui next month.
with regards fertility blend, she said i can take it since its just supplements. so i will be taking them starting today. best part is we can have contact after another week. just perfect for the next cycle.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Cycle 3 day 18

We got our fertlity blend package today. its tedious to buy online as you still need to go to customs to pick it up. but you can ask someone to get it on your behalf. besides the amount you paid online, you still have to pay customs for duties. thats an additional 2k php. but then its still worth it compared to buying fertility blend at gnc which costs more than 4kphp for 90 capsules, good for 1 month.
starting today, P will take it instead of his usual supplements. i still have to ask my doctor if i can take it with bromocriptine. hopefully it will work for us.
baby dust to all.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Cycle 3 day 17
Im now taking a full tablet of parlodel. parlodel is bromocriptine. Last night was the first, and the sideeffect is horrible. while i was expecting headaches or dizziness, i woke up in the middle of the night due to nasal congestion. i cant breathe. its not the typical runny nose congestion, rather, its as if all the mucus stuck up your sinus. worst part is i cant use nasal spray. i have to make do with vapour rub and nose massages which id like to think works one way or the other. hopefully, it will ease up after a couple of days.
i've read some posts on foreign fertility forums that couples were able to conceive after taking bromocriptine. im feeling positive on my next cycle. after the hysteroscopy and prolactin findings, im hoping i can give P the best birthday gift ever... a pregnancy test strip with two purple lines.
baby dust to all of us.
i've read some posts on foreign fertility forums that couples were able to conceive after taking bromocriptine. im feeling positive on my next cycle. after the hysteroscopy and prolactin findings, im hoping i can give P the best birthday gift ever... a pregnancy test strip with two purple lines.
baby dust to all of us.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Cycle 3 day12 after the surgery
im back. im still i bit dizzy when i get up so P ordered me to bed no matter what. its hard to blog yesterday so i wasnt able to share with you what happen. but now, i think i can write about my hysteroscopy experience.
like i said, i was at the hospital at around 6am. i dont usually eat breakfast but that day i regretted not eating. turns out my procedure was rescheduled to 4pm. i wasnt allowed to eat or even drink water. to make matters worst, my brother and my dad who o called up to watch over me, enjoyed eating the food delivered to my room. and they were watching food channel.
btw, a week before my ob asked me to take antibiotic. a few hours before the actual procedure, they also gave me a med to soften my cervix. the resident doctors put it inside me down there. the sideeffect is cramping. i didnt mind at all as im already used to it.
30mins before 4pm, they brought me to the operating room. its like im giving birth because its also the delivery area. it was too cold inside the or. nurses were kind enough to cover me with a heated fleece. they plugged me up to ecg and blood pressure then my ob walked in with the anesthesiologist. and they started with spinal anesthesia. i was asked to lie sideways in fetal position and injected me thru my lower back. it didnt that much, having iv injected is much painful. then they put me to sleep. they woke me up after they finished and showed me some of the video clips which show the polyps. i drifted back to sleep while they were sending me to recovery. at past 630pm, i woke up and i cant still feel my lower body. i cant move my legs or even feel my butt. the nurse asked me to move my feet if i can. i tried hard and at around 7pm, i can move my toes. it took another hour before i can raise my legs on my own. at 830pm i was back to my room. i was advised to lie flat. i ate at around 11pm. have slight blood discharge, and cramping. the next morning i was able to stand and pee on my own. my ob checked on me and told me i can go home that day. total bill is less than 40k excluding professional fees. everything is covered by either philhealth or by my healthcard.
heres my recommendation for those who will have hysteroscopy. make sure you eat before the start of your fasting period. better to have it early morning so youll only have to miss breakfast. bring pads and undies. youll need it after the operation. lie flat without pillows for at least 12hrs after a spinal anesthesia to prevent headaches.
ill see my ob a week after the operation for followup. for now, im stuck in bed. and my doctor recommended 2weeks bed rest. no contact for 3weeks.
hopefully ill get pregnant soon.
baby dust to us!
like i said, i was at the hospital at around 6am. i dont usually eat breakfast but that day i regretted not eating. turns out my procedure was rescheduled to 4pm. i wasnt allowed to eat or even drink water. to make matters worst, my brother and my dad who o called up to watch over me, enjoyed eating the food delivered to my room. and they were watching food channel.
btw, a week before my ob asked me to take antibiotic. a few hours before the actual procedure, they also gave me a med to soften my cervix. the resident doctors put it inside me down there. the sideeffect is cramping. i didnt mind at all as im already used to it.
30mins before 4pm, they brought me to the operating room. its like im giving birth because its also the delivery area. it was too cold inside the or. nurses were kind enough to cover me with a heated fleece. they plugged me up to ecg and blood pressure then my ob walked in with the anesthesiologist. and they started with spinal anesthesia. i was asked to lie sideways in fetal position and injected me thru my lower back. it didnt that much, having iv injected is much painful. then they put me to sleep. they woke me up after they finished and showed me some of the video clips which show the polyps. i drifted back to sleep while they were sending me to recovery. at past 630pm, i woke up and i cant still feel my lower body. i cant move my legs or even feel my butt. the nurse asked me to move my feet if i can. i tried hard and at around 7pm, i can move my toes. it took another hour before i can raise my legs on my own. at 830pm i was back to my room. i was advised to lie flat. i ate at around 11pm. have slight blood discharge, and cramping. the next morning i was able to stand and pee on my own. my ob checked on me and told me i can go home that day. total bill is less than 40k excluding professional fees. everything is covered by either philhealth or by my healthcard.
heres my recommendation for those who will have hysteroscopy. make sure you eat before the start of your fasting period. better to have it early morning so youll only have to miss breakfast. bring pads and undies. youll need it after the operation. lie flat without pillows for at least 12hrs after a spinal anesthesia to prevent headaches.
ill see my ob a week after the operation for followup. for now, im stuck in bed. and my doctor recommended 2weeks bed rest. no contact for 3weeks.
hopefully ill get pregnant soon.
baby dust to us!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Cycle 3 day 10 hysteroscopy procedure
P woke me up at 5am to get ready for my procedure. At 630, i checked in at TMC awaiting my afternoon hysteroscopy sched. my feelings? im not sure. maybe P bought me a galaxy tab to distract me from thinking about it. well, it worked,hahaha. a resident doctor just came in for the initial interview. he's nice. but i do feel like its like a house md episode. will be blogging as much as i can so i could share my experience to those who would soon consided hysteroscopy.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Dear Future Baby
we listen to gino and fran's awesome twosome every time we drive home from work. love their theme song in the tune of indiana jones... honestly, i sing along with it with P. anyway, they usually have a recurring topic that they post to their listeners. the topic is "Dear future boyfriend/girlfriend". then it came to me, why not have a "Dear future baby". it may not hit it off to most of their listeners, but i know most of TTC couples can relate to it. a letter to your most awaited bundle of joy. what to say? yeah, maybe i'll write it one of these days, so i get pregnant and i'll read it out to him/her.
Cycle 3 Day 5
went to see my re to show my endocrine test results. she gave a parlodel prescription to lower my prolactin and advise me to take a scan on my skull. she's a bit disappointed that i didn't consult her about the hysteroscopy but then i again, i did try to contact her the day before i scheduled it. i'll push through with the surgery. im stressed... very stressed. im terrified of the procedure. honestly, i don't want to have it but if that's what it takes... so be it! wish me luck.
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