Friday, April 8, 2011

Cycle 3 day12 after the surgery

im back. im still i bit dizzy when i get up so P ordered me to bed no matter what. its hard to blog yesterday so i wasnt able to share with you what happen. but now, i think i can write about my hysteroscopy experience.
like i said, i was at the hospital at around 6am. i dont usually eat breakfast but that day i regretted not eating. turns out my procedure was rescheduled to 4pm. i wasnt allowed to eat or even drink water. to make matters worst, my brother and my dad who o called up to watch over me, enjoyed eating the food delivered to my room. and they were watching food channel.
btw, a week before my ob asked me to take antibiotic. a few hours before the actual procedure, they also gave me a med to soften my cervix. the resident doctors put it inside me down there. the sideeffect is cramping. i didnt mind at all as im already used to it.
30mins before 4pm, they brought me to the operating room. its like im giving birth because its also the delivery area. it was too cold inside the or. nurses were kind enough to cover me with a heated fleece. they plugged me up to ecg and blood pressure then my ob walked in with the anesthesiologist. and they started with spinal anesthesia. i was asked to lie sideways in fetal position and injected me thru my lower back. it didnt that much, having iv injected is much painful. then they put me to sleep. they woke me up after they finished and showed me some of the video clips which show the polyps. i drifted back to sleep while they were sending me to recovery. at past 630pm, i woke up and i cant still feel my lower body. i cant move my legs or even feel my butt. the nurse asked me to move my feet if i can. i tried hard and at around 7pm, i can move my toes. it took another hour before i can raise my legs on my own. at 830pm i was back to my room. i was advised to lie flat. i ate at around 11pm. have slight blood discharge, and cramping. the next morning i was able to stand and pee on my own. my ob checked on me and told me i can go home that day. total bill is less than 40k excluding professional fees. everything is covered by either philhealth or by my healthcard.
heres my recommendation for those who will have hysteroscopy. make sure you eat before the start of your fasting period. better to have it early morning so youll only have to miss breakfast. bring pads and undies. youll need it after the operation. lie flat without pillows for at least 12hrs after a spinal anesthesia to prevent headaches.
ill see my ob a week after the operation for followup. for now, im stuck in bed. and my doctor recommended 2weeks bed rest. no contact for 3weeks.
hopefully ill get pregnant soon.
baby dust to us!

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