Friday, April 1, 2011

Cycle 3 Day 5

went to see my re to show my endocrine test results. she gave a parlodel prescription to lower my prolactin and advise me to take a scan on my skull.  she's a bit disappointed that i didn't consult her about the hysteroscopy but then i again, i did try to contact her the day before i scheduled it.  i'll push through with the surgery.  im stressed... very stressed.  im terrified of the procedure.  honestly, i don't want to have it but if that's what it takes... so be it!  wish me luck.


  1. hi! i'm the patient of dra. s you met a while ago. =) god bless on the surgery you're undergoing. i'll be having d&c on monday as well. hope everything turns out good for both of us and we'll successfully conceive soon! please update your blog regularly coz i'm an avid reader. =) take care!

  2. hello!!! god bless on your d&c. my next fertility workup will be by may. hopefully next time, we'll talk about our pregnancies na. glad to have met you.
