Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cycle 3 day 10 hysteroscopy procedure

P woke me up at 5am to get ready for my procedure. At 630, i checked in at TMC awaiting my afternoon hysteroscopy sched. my feelings? im not sure. maybe P bought me a galaxy tab to distract me from thinking about it. well, it worked,hahaha. a resident doctor just came in for the initial interview. he's nice. but i do feel like its like a house md episode. will be blogging as much as i can so i could share my experience to those who would soon consided hysteroscopy.


  1. hi! how was your hysteroscopy? hope you're recovering well. i had d&c last monday and it was painless. i'm glad it's all over as waiting for a natural miscarriage is torture. i'm still bleeding/spotting a bit and don't know when my period will come. take care!

  2. hi gamzi, i have still have headaches and feel dizzy if upright for long hours. im bleeding as well. from what i read, it is to be expected for at least 7 to 10 days. hopefully we'll get pregnant soon. im so excited this next cycle.

  3. did dra. s say you can try again next cycle? she did not tell me yet when we can try again but hopefully soon! spotting seem to have stopped today, so hopefully it will not be too long before af arrives.
