Thursday, March 31, 2011

Results are in...

i got the results of my endocrine tests. btw, P's blood type is B+. we're both B+ so that wont be a problem. now the other results are another thing.  here's the result of my d3 endocrine tests:

lh = 4.15 (normal)
normal values:
follicular phase = 1.0 - 18 mIU/mL
mid cycle peak = 24 - 105 mIU/mL
post menopausal = 15 - 20 mIU/mL

fsh = 10.44 (slight elevated)
normal values:
follicular phase = 2.50 ‑ 10.2 mIU/mL
mid cycle peak = 3.40 ‑ 33.40 mIU/mL
luteal phase: 1.50 ‑ 9.00 mIU/mL

prolactin = 56.30 (elevated)
normal values:
female = 2.80 ‑ 29.2 ng/mL
pregnant = 9.70 ‑ 208.5 ng/mL
post menopausal = 1.80 ‑ 20.3 ng/mL

estradiol = 36 (normal)
normal values:
follicular phase = 39 ‑ 189 pg/mL
mid‑cycle = 94 ‑ 508 pg/mL
luteal phase = 48 ‑ 309 pg/mL
post menopausal = < 20 ‑ 41 pg/mL

progesterone = 0.40 (normal)
follicular phase = 0.27 ‑ 2.61 ng/mL
luteal phase = 3.28 ‑ 38.63 ng/mL
mid‑luteal phase = 5.25 ‑ 38.63 ng/mL
post menopausal = < 0.2 ‑ 0.82 ng/mL

so i failed fsh and prolactin... i dont know what that means and since my RE is not available until tomorrow, i search the net.  it seems that high prolactin level can cause irregular menstrual cycle.  some months you wont get AF at all. but in my case, i always have my period every month. the problem is that my follicles doesn't burst on day 14.  my average cycle is 28/29 days so im expected to ovulate on day 14.  going back to my old posts, my follicles grew up to 3.4cm until day 16. i still have to get an ovidrel shot to induce ovulation. oh well, i'll just wait for my RE's say on this.

btw, i've also set my hysteroscopy with a doctor affiliated with my health card. on april 6, dra vicencio will performing it and honestly, im freaking out.  i didn't know that i will be knocked out during the whole procedure, i've never experience that.  im scared of not waking up or not being able to sleep at all.  but if this is what it takes, then so be it.  i cry and ask why do i have to go through all of this... but in the end, i'll still do it.  whatever it takes.  i pray and i believe everything will be ok.

baby dust to us!


  1. Hi sis. when my i had a prolactin test, it was slightly elevated. my RE told me to do another test after month to see if results would be come back the same. sometimes, stress elevates our prolactin levels. true enough, my prolactin went back to normal on the second test.

  2. hi sis! i hope u wont mind me asking what your health card is? im considering hysteroscopy since there is a polyp in my uterus but i only have my husbands Philhealth... covered kaya dun? thanks a lot..
